Red Eyes

Cherry Eyes

Dry Eyes

Ocular Discharge

Keeping a watchful eye on your pet's eyes can help him enjoy many more quality years of sight.
Here are the many other things that overuse of antibiotics causes:
• abdominal pain
• skin problems
• diarrhea
• irritable bowel syndrome
• fever
• severe inflammation of the colon or colitis
• nutritional deficiencies
• excess stomach gas
• constipation
• elevated white blood cell count
• dehydration
• allergies
• weak immune system
• bad breath
• vomiting
• potassium deficiencies
• colon perforation
• yeast problems
You don’t want your pet to be getting any of the mentioned ill-health conditions. First of all, you bring your pet to a bet to cure the animal from a disease and not get him a new one.
When Alexander Glemming first discovered antibiotics in 1928, everybody was raving at this miracle drug. Through the years, though, antibiotics have created new diseases. How come? It’s because the bacteria after being bombarded by antibiotics have mutated into strains that resisted the effect of antibiotics. Now more powerful antibiotics were created which in turn create stronger bacteria strains. It’s a vicious cycle that could never be good for our pets. Yes, this applies to us too!
Another problem with antibiotics is that it not only attacks the bad bacteria but also the good ones that reside in our intestinal tracts. These good bacteria promote good health. When antibiotics kill them all, the bad bacteria grow back first and in a faster rate. Coming out from an illness, your pet is actually more unhealthy because all the good bacteria are gone but the bad ones are still there.
Furthermore, it will take your pet an average of one year before recovering from the dire effects of antibiotics. Unless you’re feeding your pet good food and supplementing with good bacteria, the poor animal will not be in a better condition.
Since antibiotics are prescribed too often without much care for the side effects and long-term damage, it is up to the pet owner to ask your vet for other alternatives.
But if antibiotics are to be avoided, what is left to use? We can go back in time. During the first world war, medics in the battlefields used garlic cloves in the wound of soldiers. Garlics have long been known of its natural antibiotic properties. There’s also bee propolis that contains properties of natural phagocystosis that push white blood cells to attack bad bacteria. The good thing with natural antibiotics, they only attack the bad bacteria and leave the good bacteria alone.
People who don't have dogs just don't seem to get it. Your dog is more than just a pet; it's a valued member of your family. You treat it with love, respect, and dignity - just like you would if it were an actual family member.
This especially applies when your dog is sick or not feeling its best. You don't just leave the cure or your pooch's ailment to chance or nature - you take your dog to the veterinarian to identify the problem. And if necessary, you purchase medication to either combat the illness or to maintain your dog's ongoing health and well-being.
Here's the good news: this process can now be made easier by purchasing your canine medications online! Now you don't have to make repeated trips to the vet's office or the pet store. You can simply order your pooch's meds online and get them shipped right to your door! It's quick and easy, and it can even save you money!
You don't even need to visit a vet to purchase certain products that are commonly available at any pet store. Some of these products include:
- Flea and tick shampoo
- Skin and coat care tablets/lotions
- Bone and joint medications
- Nutritional supplements
- Behavior modification medications
- De-worming substances
- Dental hygienic products
- Gastrointestinal control products
For these and other similar products, all you need to do is log on to an online pet medication merchant, select which products you like, submit your payment, and wait for them to be delivered!
Sometimes, your pet may need medications that require a prescription from a veterinarian. While online pet medication portals cannot dispense canine prescriptions on their own, they can fill prescriptions which have already been issued. Products that are available from an online supplier but require a prescription from a vet are usually marked with the symbol "Rx" or some similar designation.
Some of the most popular prescription medications available online are:
Atopica, an oral form of cyclosporine which treats dermatitis
PhyCox, a chewable supplement designed to reduce joint inflammation and discomfort
FortiFlora, a nutritional supplement designed to treat diarrhea
CoproBan, a flavored chewable which helps deter coprophagia, or stool-eating
Vetoryl, a trilostane tablet designed to treat hyperadrenocorticism due to an adrenocortical tumor
So after a visit to your vet, you can elect to acquire the prescription and fill it online rather than obtaining the medication from the vet's office itself. Because online pet supply merchants can purchase products in bulk, you can often enjoy significant price savings from what you pay a vet for the exact same medication.
If your dog needs the medicine right away, there is another option available. You could buy the initial doses of the medication from the vet, but if you need to refill the prescription, you can choose to have the online pet med supplier handle the refill and get the medication shipped to you directly. This prevents you from having to go back to the veterinarian's office just to get a medicine refill.
You don't necessarily need to have a prescription slip in your possession to buy your pet meds online. Most online merchants will contact your veterinarian directly if needed to obtain the proper authorization for your pooch's medications. However, this process cannot substitute for a diagnostic visit by your veterinarian.
When you do order your dog's medications online, they will usually arrive at your door in about three business days. If the online merchant needs to verify a prescription with a vet, the process may take an additional one or two business days. Many websites give you the capability to track your order online so you can see exactly when it is scheduled to arrive at your home.
Many online retailers will give you a price break if you are willing to place a bulk order. So if you want to order several months' worth of medicine at one time, you may be able to save money. In addition, you can often receive free shipping on orders that exceed a certain dollar amount.
Most online pet suppliers have return policies that allow you to send back unopened quantities of products within a certain time period (usually around 30 days). This helps make the online shopping process more convenient and eliminates the buyer's concern about ordering the wrong type or amount of medication accidentally. However, online suppliers are prohibited by federal law from accepting returned prescription medications.
Whenever your dog gets sick, it's perfectly natural to worry about its health. But with online pet medication suppliers, you can eliminate the worry of having to secure a vet appointment to get your pooch's medicine or discovering that your vet cannot fill your prescription because their supply has been depleted.
Today, online shopping has revolutionized practically every type of consumer transaction. Now, online pet retailers are changing the way you order medications for your dog - by making the process simple, quick, user-friendly, and secure. So the next time you need some medicine for your dog, you may want to consider heading for your computer instead of your vet's office!
Nir Reid is a freelance writer who writes about pet care and pet meds. Article Source: |
Posted on January 31st, 2010
Dogs are man's best friend. I've always been a popular pet because of their nature loving, intelligent and loyal. Over the years, the dog is to provide with great pleasure. But what may be unaware that your dog is growing every year more, even though its appearance seems not to be changed. It has no physical signs of aging as gray hair and wrinkles, but the age may be, your dog is likely to experience a lot ofSuffering and pain.
Knowing their needs
It is necessary to meet the needs of your dog, if you want your pet to live longer and happier your dog is able to verbally tell you if he or she is in pain. However, the dogs would give advice on where his illness, discomfort or pain. Dogs vocalize their pain by crying, wailing and whimpering.
Some dogs have a higher pain tolerance and can not show his pain until it is too late, then you mustSee your dog with attention. Your dog may be suffering, but not vocalizing her pain. Change is an indicator of temperament well enough pain in your dog. Your pet may, on the cycle of pain, and it is better to inform the vet as soon as possible, to administer the appropriate treatment.
Treating common illnesses ages, prevention and treatment
One of the most common diseases leading to arthritis pain that your dog would be. If your dog has arthritis, he or shemore likely to need painkillers do as human beings.
Arthritis can be done by your dog vitamins, supplements and medications to avoid for pain relief. You need your dog to relieve his pain, or we would lose the company of your pet. Excursions on foot, would be in the car with you, running, or even up to greet extremely painful form of torture to your dog. Your dog would show changes in personality, perversity and redemption.
PainDrugs for the relief, as DGP (Dog Gone Pain) Now you can relieve your dog from his pain and help him or her will, once again the playful member of your family. DGP is a painkiller for the canines, which was developed by Australian veterinarians and herbalists. Revitalize your dog mentally and physically, while relaxing your 's pet joint pain. DGP facilitate joint inflammation, helps with tissue repair and strengthens the immune system. This drug is the effectimmediately, with improvements in less than a week, and is safe for long-term use. Your dog will feel relief, and that would be around with his ability to act and to socialize, after weeks of round to show pain.
Pet medicines can become very costly and expensive for pet owners. Most owners are seeking options to purchasing highly priced pet meds. One great place to lower your medical costs for your pets is to shop online at websites that are specifically offer pet medications. The tough part is selecting which website is the best and offers only top quality products for your beloved pets.
There are lots of veterinary and pet medication websites to be begin on the Internet nowadays, and all affirmation to be the foremost ascendancy and antecedent for your pet's needs. Affairs medication for your pet is okay, as continued as you apperceive absolutely what you're affairs and the able amounts to administrate to your pet. Thus, the able admonition of a registered veterinarian is invaluable.
Carprofen >>> Carprofen is a member of the class of drugs known as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the same class as such common over-the-counter remedies as Advil (ibuprofen), Orudis (ketoprofen), and aspirin.
Cephalexin >>> Cephalexin is a good broad spectrum antibiotic, which means it is useful in most common and uncomplicated infections.
Adequan >>> In treating arthritis, injections are given twice a week for 4 weeks for a maximum of eight injections. Injections are given intramuscularly.
Terbinafine >>> Terbinafine has activity against other types of fungi but at this time it is mostly used against ringworm.
Buspirone Hydrochloride >>> In veterinary medicine, buspirone has been especially helpful in the treatment of phobias (such as fear of thunder, people in uniform, etc.).
Griseofulvin >>> This medication is used to treat ringworm, a fungal infection of the skin involving fungi.
Meclizine hydrochloride >>> An excellent product for people that can also be used for car-sick pets, meclizine hydrochloride is generally used for nausea relief due to motion sickness.
Metoclopramide >>> Motility disorders are common and may be chronic or of sudden onset. When motility is reduced in the stomach, food pools there and creates a sensation of nausea and bloating.
And many pet medication, may you can take care for your beloved pet :
Any way, It wouldn't be astute to just acquirement from any old abode on the Internet for your pet's health. After all pets are a allotment of our ancestors and deserve superior medications. The acceptable account is that you can acquirement medications online and still save money while accepting top superior pet meds. Additionally, you can generally acquisition bargain pet med prices accumulated with chargeless shipping.
When it comes to our dogs, most of us will stop at nothing to ensure that they are well-taken cared of; comfortable and even pampered beyond compare. After all, man's best friend only deserves the best, right? This is why, any sign of discomfort; illness or general unhappiness; will have us scrambling to the vet for answers. One particular situation that may have us scared stiff relates to the question "Why is my dog coughing up white foam?"
Most dogs have undergone such an episode that directly asks the question Why Is My Dog Coughing Up White Foam? Now, before we get into a state of panic, there are several reasons why our dogs may be vomiting what looks like white or even yellowish foam.
There are quite a few explanations pertaining to our inquiry of Why Is My Dog Coughing Up White Foam? One of these is that they may have ingested something that's not right for them - or is not compatible with their stomachs. An upset stomach can sometimes result in dogs vomiting some sort of whitish substance, usually foamy and thick.
Another reason behind Why Is My Dog Coughing Up White Foam is what is generally called a bilious vomiting syndrome. When there is too much bile in the dog's tummy, they release it through vomiting. Too much bile can also result in the dog feeling nauseated hence, the vomiting.
This syndrome usually occurs after a good night's sleep. Usually, if our dogs simply vomit this bile and has no other indications of other illnesses, then it is highly likely that the dog has the bilious vomiting syndrome.
On the other hand, if we are asking Why Is My Dog Coughing Up White Foam and has been feeling restless for several days; is not eating and experiencing other symptom, then it is time to take the dog to our trusted vet. A visit to the vet can alleviate our fears and also give the proper medication to our dogs if they have more than just a bilious vomiting syndrome.
Since the reason behind Why Is My Dog Coughing Up White Foam is this syndrome, what we can do is give the dog a small snack in the middle of the night just so they won't wake up hungry which may cause the syndrome to occur. We can find out more about this condition via the internet and more importantly through our trusted vet. Both measures can give us helpful tips and the necessary emergency care in case our dogs start to vomit white foam again.